COVID-19 Community-based
Livelihood Project

Engage. Educate. Empower.
Funded by APCASO, this project mobilized our existing youth networks to implement community-based, sustainable, and consultative response to COVID-19. Reaching out to various urban poor communities, we aimed to:  
  • Organize young individuals in partner areas to be youth leaders
  • Orient youth leaders on community-driven development to equip them
    with basic knowledge on working within their local community to respond
    to the pandemic

  • Produce information materials on COVID-19 to be distributed to their
    respective communities      
  • Provide assistance to families affected by COVID-19 through hygiene and livelihood recovery kits
At the end of the project, our youth leaders carried out their learnings from consultations with communities through the creation of Action Plans. These contained proposed solutions to everyday problems such as providing affordable internet to make online selling more accessible and opening a small rice store to avoid the expensive commute and risk of COVID-19 contact.

When we empower the youth, we also empower our own communities.
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